Discuss and define your specific data needs together with our experts.
Custom modeling of compliant data
Carbon Minds will model data on your exact chemicals in compliance with multiple standards, including ISO 14040/14044/14067, the Together for Sustainability Product Carbon Footprint guidelines and the UEIL/ATIEL methodology for PCF calculations for lubricants and other specialities.
Compatible data for your tools
We deliver your data in CSV, ILCD, and Excel formats to ensure compatibility with a wide variety of tools.
More Ways Modeling on Demand Helps our Clients
Address data gaps
Verify supplier data
Consolidate data sources
Extend existing LCA calculations
Increase data quality compared to proxy data
Reduce reliance on proxy data
Rapidly Develop Comprehensive,
Consistent and Trustworthy Data
Carbon Minds modeled thousands of chemical processes to develop our cm.chemicals database. We can leverage the same expertise and technology to custom model your data quickly and in compliance with major standards.
Meet Short Timelines
The modeling approach we developed for our database, cm.chemicals, allows us to integrate new chemical products and provide custom modeled data very quickly.
Get Trustworthy Results
Compliance with multiple standards makes it easier for you to certify your own studies, as well as creating trust when you communicate your results internally and externally.
Consistency at Scale
Our methodology means we can maintain consistency in our data, even at scale and with niche chemicals.